Why English culture prevents individuals from performing at their best

Why English culture prevents individuals from performing at their best

If you are immersed in British culture, it’s likely that you are limiting your potential.

It is normal for us British people to be so humble and modest that we fail to recognise the good we have done. We find it uncomfortable to say what we are good at and very comfortable to say what we are lacking. We say sorry for things we aren’t sorry for, and love to complain.

I grew up with the strong belief that it was of the utmost importance to always be humble. This was to my detriment. It meant that I missed standing up for myself, it meant that I struggled to reflect on performances and take gains from them, it meant that I was always in a state of lack, of always being behind, of always putting myself down. As I never met my own expectations of success, I consistently was obsessed with where I was weak/ or needed improvement, and my coaches predominately coached on these areas too. 

If the lens we choose to live through is one of constant lack, feeling like you don’t want to be different from the crowd and always playing yourself down, you are making yourself small, you make yourself incomplete. Here, you limit your expression, you are so focused on doing things to impress the coaches that you miss out on opportunities. 

There is however a lens available which would take a stand for what you are. I’m talking about facts, I’m talking about the incredible things you have the ability to do right here and now. This acknowledges where you can improve but doesn't label them as ‘bad’ or ‘negative’, they simply are other areas of your ability. This would make you feel complete and allow you to fully express those things which you are really good at whilst owning and acknowledging your areas of improvement. Here, you get to fully express all of you.

So in comparison; creating yourself as humble, safe and unexpressive to go and play and work on your weaknesses. OR fully expressing yourself, having the humility to accept where you need to improve, owning that and having fun along the way. 

One lens is stressful and restrictive, the other is from a place of freedom, is empowering and ultimately is going to result in a higher performance. 

Some readers will have made the assumption that not being humble means being loud, obnoxious and selfish. More behaviour associated with the word humble that the British culture induces. 

Being a creator of your way of being is crucial if you want to be; 

  • emotionally intelligent 
  • you can regulate your own thoughts, feelings and stress
  • You can create a feeling of confidence and belief instantly 
  • You can admit where you can improve and have more consistent motivation

Living in weaknesses and creating yourself as small is so limiting. 

This has nothing to do with what John thinks of you if you say what you’re good at. But we let opinions and judgements of others determine or self-worth, our confidence and how we express ourselves. 

Having confidence and belief needs no previous evidence when you live through the lens of being complete. When you start from the place of lacking, you do. I know which lens I’d choose if I had the chance to do my career again…

So I wonder then, where are you seeing how culture affects your own self-image? 

Is English culture a benefit to you or a hindrance?



#mentalskills #performance #mindset #nerves #culture

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