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Sam's Ultimate Life Hacks

Sam's Ultimate Life Hacks


This list has been curated of the things, habits, and ideas that have made my life easier, more efficient, productive, and peaceful. 

Becoming more productive is easy if you have the knowledge of how to change.  The tricky part is applying what you have learned. This list can’t do the action for you, that’s when the ball is in your court.

Upgrade your performance. 

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  • Packed full of guidence to help you on your journey.

    Get the information a text book won't tell you!

  • A summary from Sam's journey through elite sport and academia.

    Insights, lessons and tips that Sam has learnt shared in easy to access ebook.

  • Actionable Ideas

    To guide growth and improvement

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How to use this guide:

Use this guide little and often. Take notes as you go. Save your favourite ones. It is a resource to dip into when you feel like it.